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Saturday, June 11

Breakthrough series 12: walk the line

A tightrope walker transcends the instinct for big adjustments, to center himself within his inner calmness: just as faith overcomes compensation.

A youngster learning to cycle wobbles until it comes naturally and an experienced driver rarely thinks about changing gears.

In our spiritual journeys, we start by toddling around, bouncing off furniture or falling down and getting up again.

Then we go through the awkward years of self-awareness and over-compensation, so well modeled by the Wilderness Jews.

Even maturity has its challenges, but eventually we will transcend the veil of a forced faith to touch the sweet-spot of God.

The mind veils us, gets in our way or tries to build God into our lives instead of building on Jesus, the rock of our faith - but we are ever closer to fine.

God promised us rest (Heb 4): where angst and fretting gives way to a life of divine purpose that sows or waters as he adds the increase.

(c) Peter Missing:

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