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Monday, May 30

Breakthrough series 5: Pillars of the earth

By “pillars in the house of God”, we allude to stoic, dependable souls - but in Rev 3, Jesus affirmed "those who overcome".

The cedars of the first temple were hardwood trees, 130 ft high and old, grown on the exposed slopes of upper Lebanon.

They reflected a life of overcoming. 

The use of a tree that had endured so many years to grow to full height, contrasts the use of dead stone. 

God builds with the former, men with the latter. 

Thus, David's life of adversity revealed the knots and gnarls of noble timber - not so for his corruptible son.

Too much is said about “deliverance” in NT thought. More needs to be said about a faith that rises above or outlives the contradictions of life.

That is more relevant to the “anointing that breaks the yoke”: a persistent impulse that pushes through the undergrowth and rises to significance.

The Christianese “anointing” affirms early potential, soft-wood that never bore loads in the temple but was used for ornamental overlays and veneers.

Ours is an age of instant gratification, but reality for many is a long plod through desert places. Don’t despair. He has reserved a place for you.

(c) Peter Missing:

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