This is a Christian inspirational site. Bethelstone suggests a touchstone where believers can find inspiration and engage meaningfully to help all of us make better sense of our common faith

Friday, June 10

Breakthrough series 7: Believe it or not

Science demands evidence before belief, yet the dynamics of light, details of the atom and 76% of the universe remains elusive.

Science extrapolates from observed phenomena and will often accept that we have enough to build on until irrefutable proof emerges.

As such, Einstein's E=MC2 or the bending of space-time waited decades for observable confirmation.

So why must God prove his existence before we believe? Like light or the atom, he left a trail of crumbs that is more than enough proof.

For example, "fine-tuning" lists the multiple factors that maintain our earth and the universe within tolerances so fine that a 2% deviation would be catastrophic e.g. our distance from the sun, orbital velocity, etc.

Our world would have been stilted if we had waited for proofs, but our faith is often as stilted, because God insists on faith first with proof to follow. Only faith can evoke the substance and evidence we seek (Heb 11).

It will all remain a theoretical religious sentiment, unless we apply our faith. A thin stream held back a nation and a thinner veil frustrates us.

God rarely steps through that veil to show himself, but every moment of every day, our faith can cross the threshold to touch his reality.

(c) Peter Missing:

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