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Wednesday, September 28

A light in the darkness of trouble

David spent a lot of his early life darting from cave to cave, and living in the caves of the Shefelah, where he tried to interpret his life struggles. It was at times like those that he wrote some of his most haunting Psalms.
Elijah also fled to the caves when Jezebel threatened his life, but he returned to face his enemies once God had used his isolation and quietness of soul to reveal His still, small voice. That subtle voice was, to Elijah, greater evidence of God's provision than a storm, a wind or an earthquake.

Like the caveman of old, David and Elijah used their times of exile to scribble - on walls maybe, on parchment definetely. They used writing to order their thoughts and wrestle with truth, but thanks to that we are comforted today by their past struggles.

I have watched many souls, typically guys, retreat to spiritual caves, to escape harsh realities and to work out their life issues. I have also been sceptical about any of that working, because it is often inclined to be nothing other than escapism. As such, I found, in some research I did when I still worked for a bank, that those who ask questions and open up about their struggles, have a greater chance of survival - and it so happens that women do that better. I would add to the point, that when people stop talking, pressure starts to build and a serious breakdown becomes more likely, whilst continuing to talk, helps to clarify and resolve.

Well so much for that, but what I have also found is that the clamor of life is our biggest enemy in a time of crisis. One of the most difficult things for humans to do, is to sit quietly in the presence of God and be still to know that He is God. Truly, there is no act more constructive than working on being quiet and cultivating a sensitivity to His voice - it can save a lot of wasted time and revive sagging spirits, more than anything I know. There can be no greater tonic for the soul than quietness with God.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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