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Monday, May 23

Breakthrough series 1: Context

Negative political campaigns score comparatively against a rival's weaknesses. Positive campaigns sell their own virtues.

God has always steered me away from posting against others, by rather focusing on the positive virtues of faith in God.
Today I wanted to write more about how leaders should be a platform, not the point of spiritual stewardship, but I felt restrained in that.
When I then read about the consolidation of David's reign in 2 Samuel 20-22 and his breakthrough in Psalm 18, God's leading made sense.
David was a great king who consistently favored mercy over retribution and, in the face of many troubles, never trusted in conventional resources.
He lived in a fortified city and had a keep to run to, but never relied on either. His strong tower and rock was the God of his faith.
It will take more than a post to explore, but it reflects a man defined by an absolute reference to God's throne, not by comparative opinions.
Rather he regally stood on the rock of his salvation and remained unmoved.
(c) Peter Missing:

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