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Tuesday, May 10

Taking the kingdom: Part 6 - Peter Whosoever

Peter, one of the most endearing characters of the bible, stepped up to the plate and then some.

He was a nobody, a mere fisherman. Jesus nicknamed him Cephas or stone, but really I think he was just a “Whosoever”.

I refer to those named in the testament of Jesus, as in “Whosoever calls on me shall be saved”.

That craggy soul, well known for his gaffes, constantly reached up and took hold of what God set before him: including the Gentiles.
He walked on water, cut off the ear of Malchus, promised to stand true and then slumped to his lowest point by denying Jesus, three times.
That same diamond in the rough went on to write two great letters, which to my mind are often sweeter than Paul’s sweeping intellectual treatises.

But he got it, by George he got it. He saw beyond the miracles and the larger-than-life perspective of his master, to get “the son of God”.
Can he make something of you? Absolutely.

What transformed a whosoever into such a spiritual giant? Only his willingness, to forsake all and follow the revelation that consumed his heart. He too uncovered his master's feet.

(c) Peter Missing:

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